Headlines in Bio-Inspired Design
June 26, 2018
GT Undergraduate Design Team selected as finalists in the Biomimicry global design challenge
A multidisciplinary design team from GT has been selected as a finalist for their innovative tidal energy harvester that uses mechanisms inspired by several organisms. Their goal is to provide low cost, sustainable energy production for areas vulnerable to electricity shortages. The team was composed of J. Andrade (Aero), S. Berry (Biol), K. Bomar (Physics), M. Iqbal (ME), A. Jain (MSE), S. Mathew (Math), H. Rho (MSE), and mentored by Drs. Singh (MSE), Wang (MSE), Weissburg and Yen (Biol). The Biomimicry Global Design Challenge is supported by the Ray C. Anderson Foundation, which carries on the legacy of GT alum Ray C. Anderson in his efforts to promote sustainable industry.
March 2019
CBID Faculty BhAmla's Work on ultrafast Biology covered in Science News
Peruvian slingshot spiders accelerate at about 1000 m/s, 10 times faster than a typical rocket!
Read more about this work here.
July 2019
Multi-disciplinary Georgia Tech Team given major award for K12 BID education
CBID co-directors Marc Weissburg and Michael Helms, along with colleagues in GT’s Center Integrating Science, Math and Computing have received a 3 million dollar award from the National Science Foundation to develop a high school curriculum in biologically-inspired engineering. By leveraging biology, this curriculum will increase interest in STEM particular among underrepresented students and increase engineering creativity in our next generation of scientists and engineers.
Read more about this effort here.

September, 2019
CBID Team awarded funds to develop bio-inspired approaches to building energy thermal management
CBID co-directors Bras and Weissburg, along with Srinivas Gharimella, Shannon Yee and Scott Turner (SUNY Syracuse) have been awarded funds to explore how biological systems (organisms to ecosystems) may provide principles to improve energy efficiency of the built environment by better thermal management strategies. This theme will be explored through a series of workshops with the goal of developing a center of expertise at GT.