LABS Systems Organization Labs Bert Bras School of Mechanical EngineeringSustainable design and manufacturing systems; industrial ecologyEMAIL | WEBSITE Leonid Bunimovich School of MathematicsRandom walk processes in biological systems and complicated systems dynamicsEMAIL | WEBSITE Kevin Caravati Georgia Tech Research InstituteDevelopment of novel solar power systemsEMAIL | WEBSITE Predrag Cvitanović School of PhysicsComplex systems dynamicsEMAIL | WEBSITE Michael Goodisman School of BiologyDynamics and organization of social insect groups; evolution of sociality and social systemsEMAIL | WEBSITE Craig Tovey School of Industrial Systems EngineeringOperations research with emphasis on sustainability; biomimetic algorithms for robots and webhosting, the behavior of animal groupsEMAIL | WEBSITE Perry P J Yang School of ArchitectureUrban and ecological design of large human systems; sustainable and nature-based urban systems designEMAIL | WEBSITE Marc Weissburg School of BiologyEcological network analysis of human infrastructure; Biologically-inspired design methodologyEMAIL | WEBSITE [elementor-template id="393"]